Best Time to Post on Instagram? (According to Analysis)
Do you want to know the best time to post on Instagram? You're on the right page for that, all you need to know about the best time to post is below!

Do you want to know the best time to post on Instagram? You’re on the right page for that, all you need to know about the best time to post is below!
In the mornings đ when I open my eyes the first thing that I do is check my messages and after that directly I just go to Instagram!! while I’m preparing my breakfast đ„having my make-upđ and getting ready, Instagram stories and posts are the most attractive things for me.
After that, again during the lunch breakđđ I come and check Instagram posts.đ±
After work time while I am dying đand I can’t move at all I am still checking Instagram post
Get ready!!! it’s time to post on Instagram!
Am I Addicted to Instagram Posts
The answer is unfortunately YES! if you are checking your Instagram more than 5 times a day and you are also posting photos and videos every day. So, you are an addicted person. Therefore you’ve right to learn all about the best time to post on Instagram.
Usage Of My Instagram Account
Can I use my addiction in a good way?
The answer here is definitely YES. Instagram based on algorithms and strategies. if you are making Instagram content you have to use this situation.
Can I Post on Instagram Anytime That I Want or Is There Any Best Time to Post on Instagram?
If you’re wondering whether you can post on Instagram anytime you want, the answer is Instagram is specifically related to what type of content you’re posting. For example, if you want to post reels, the best time to post is between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. EST, according to Sprout Social.
This is because most people are winding down from their day and scrolling through social media before bed.
However, if you’re posting something other than a reel, the best time to post is between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. EST. This is because most people are taking a break from work or school and looking at their phones during this time.
So, while you can technically post on Instagram anytime you want, certain times are better than others in terms of engagement.
How Can I Learn the Instagram Strategy?
Is the question in your mind: What is the best time to post on Instagram? Here are the best times strategies, time to post!
The first thing that came to my mind was do we have any specific audience and times to post? Or all of our followers are online all the time?
Is it important if I post on Instagram in the morning or at midnight?
What is the best time to post on Instagram?
Instagram users are waiting for my post on time?
Different time zones are important?
Don’t rush!!! I will explain everything about the best time to post on Instagram to you.
When are Instagram Posting Times?
Your posting times can depend on many things like your audience insights, your country, your time zones your account type, and…
Who are Your Instagram Followers?
Actually when I ask who it means do you know when they are checking their Instagram usually?
Do you know when is their free times, holidays, and hour time frame?
Maybe you have unique audience and your posts are not for everyone so you have to be more careful about your posting time.
For example, if your followers are housewives they are free most of the day. or if your followers are school kids they cant check their Instagram during their study times!
If your Instagram followers are mostly workers during work time is not proper for them maybe lunch hour is better!!
So, at the first step, you have to recognize your own audience and Instagram followers and then find the best time to post on Instagram.
What is Your Post Content?
One of the most important items in your posting times is your post content.
What is your business account specifically?
Do you have some brands post on Instagram?
What are the posts that you upload on Instagram posts?
Do you have an entertainment post on Instagram?
What’s your post based on?
When is the Best Time to Post Instagram Reels?
When it comes to getting the most engagement on your Instagram posts, timing is everything. Research has shown that the best time to post on Instagram is during the mid-afternoon, around 3:00 p.m. This is because most people are winding down from work and have a few minutes to scroll through their feed.
Another good time to post is in the evening, around 9:00 p.m. This is when people are typically winding down for the night and are more likely to be engaged with their phone. If you post during these times, you’re more likely to get seen by more people and get more engagement on your posts.
There Are a Few Other Things to Keep in Mind When Posting on Instagram.
First, try to post quality content that will interest your followers. People are more likely to engage with posts that are interesting or provide value.
Secondly, make use of Instagram Stories and Reels. These features are becoming increasingly popular and can help you reach a wider audience.
Finally, be sure to post regularly. Consistency is key when it comes to building a following on Instagram. If you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to get the most out of your Instagram posts.
When is The Best Time to Post on Instagram in Your Follower’s Opinions?
You have to target audience and check their time frames.
For instance, I really don’t like to watch educational posts in the morning!! I prefer news.
On the other hand, I don’t want to see any news after work. cause I need sth like engagement and fun video posts.
Great Starting Point
No one knows exactly what is the best time to post for your page! cause for everyone is changeable
You have to try and test it with your Instagram followers
You have to post on different social media platforms at different times maybe you choose Wednesday, worst day or it can be your maximum engagement.
You can even check your Instagram insights and you can ask your followers in your story!
One Social Media Strategy: Post on Instagram Now!
Design a question and ask them what is the best time to post on Instagram for you? you can see two good sides of this
1- Instagram users would think that you post regularly so they will follow you more.
2- your followers will accept you care about them so, they value you more.
3- You can get your answers more easily and you can learn more about the time to post on Instagram.
How Can I Find the Best Time to Post on Instagram?
There are too many researches on this topic we found some of them for you so you can make a wiser decision after checking them.
We found that Instagram users are more likely to interact with content mid-day and during the week. This makes sense because it is a great time for them to take an unauthorized break from work or school, and browse social media without having any responsibilities tying them down at home. (And liking everything they see…)\n
Itâs no surprise then when we looked into what times of day people liked posts on different accounts – there were some interesting trends! For instance, none seemed interested in posting after 6 pm unless it’s breakfast/brunch-related content which shows how much our feeds change throughout each day.
There is No “Worst Time to Post” on Instagram
This depends largely on the time zone of your Instagram audience and the content you are posting. For example, if you are posting photos or videos that appeal primarily to users in different time zones, you may want to time your posts according to those time zones.
Additionally, the time of day that you choose to post can be important, as studies have shown that users are more likely to engage with content during certain times of the day. So all in all, there is no simple answer when it comes to determining your optimal time for posting on Instagram; rather, it requires consideration of a variety of factors specific to your situation and your audience.
Nonetheless, it’s clear that engagement matters most on Instagram and that timing can have a big impact on whether or not your posts get seen and shared.
Therefore, keeping your Instagram strategy in mind should always be a priority for any business looking to succeed on this popular social media platform.
Should I Choose Weekends or Weekdays to Post on Instagram?
What if the time to post on Instagram changes according to algorithms. We all know that the weekends are a time for relaxing and unwinding, but did you realize itâs also an ideal opportunity to connect with your followers? It turns out there may be something about Saturday mornings in particular which makes them more receptive than other days.
In general, we suspect people prefer using Instagram when they have access through their phone or tablet because of how easy scrolling can become addictive – this is especially true if someone has been checking social media throughout his/her workday rather than taking some much needed personal space during typical business hours (which unfortunately happens too often).
Some Instagram Analytics:
Best time to post on Instagram on Saturdays
The best time to post on Instagram is Saturday early morning around 9:00 AM or before that. It’s when people are still getting ready and heading out for the day, so they’ll be more likely to comment or like your photo!
Best time to post on Instagram on Sundays
Instagram engagement is strongest during the afternoon and evening, with posts that were uploaded between 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm averaging around 150 likes per post.
Some also say that Sundays morning before 7:00 AM is magically good for the Instagram pages that have night awake followers.
Best time to post on Instagram on Mondays
It’s Monday, and that means one thing: itâs time to get back into the office! But don’t worry- by lunchtime you’ll be itching for your next break. Why?
Because most people seem to start their week off strong at work before they even leave in the morning only find themselves scrolling through Instagram feeds throughout the day while waiting on hold or sitting down with a client who keeps them hostage until 3 pm – when all of those meetings end up happening anyway (and we know how busy life can sometimes feel). So take care out there
Best time to post on Instagram on Tuesdays
The perfect time to post on Instagram is 9:00 AM. most engagement levels are earlier in the morning, between 8-10 am but peak at 9 am when people get out of work and go about their daily business!
Best time to post on Instagram on Wednesdays
Wednesday is the best day to post on Instagram, according to new research. Wednesday daytime hours between 11:00 AM and 3 PM seem times when engaged users are more commonly found browsing through your account’s posts!
Best time to post on Instagram on Thursdays
The 12 pm to 3 pm time slot is when you should post on Instagram every Thursday. It will have the most consistent engagement of any day during those hours!
Best Time to Post on Instagram on Fridays
Engagement on Instagram increases steadily throughout the morning and lunch hour, peaking at 2:00 PM.
A study found that posts published in this window received an average response rate of 19%. This is higher than other times during the day because people are more likely to respond when they have something important or interesting happening nearby!
When Can Be the Best Time to Post on Instagram?
When it comes to social media marketing strategy, timing is everything. For best results, businesses need to carefully consider when they post on social platforms like Instagram, taking into account the unique trends and habits of their target audience.
Some research has shown that posting earlier in the day tends to be more effective since users are usually spending more time browsing social media during those hours.
Additionally, the social media management tool offers features that make it easier to schedule posts for optimal times. By taking stock of these factors and leveraging social media effectively, businesses can help to increase their reach and engagement on Instagram.
What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram on Weekdays?
The best time for you to post on Instagram might be different depending upon your audience! If they tend towards Early birds (those up at 5 am), then don’t worry about posting late; instead focus more energy on creating engaging content early in order gain followers before other users start paying attention
Worst Posting Times
Although we have good times in the posting schedule there are also some times that your Instagram accounts are at their peak and no one is free during that time to check your Instagram reels and feed videos.
What are The Worst Instagram Posting Times?
Posting on Instagram at the wrong time can be a huge letdown. The study of 35M global posts found that Monday through Saturday is best for posting, but there are even better days to post!
For example, Monday’s 2 PM is neither good nor recommended since people typically check their social media accounts during this hour (according to our research). It turns out Tuesday at 1 Pm and Wednesday at 10 AM aren’t so great either because they tend not only to be less active than other times throughout any given week.
But also often distracting activities such as work or school may take over thoughts about in the weekends Saturday 8 PM and Sunday 4 PM are bad times for sharing
When Should I Post On Instagram to Get Higher Engagement?
Days are really important as I told you but sometimes our Instagram account is having different audience behaviors and we have to post on Instagram for them every day at optimal times.
You want to share post reels today!!! So according to your social media calendar, you have to check your posting time.
How Much Engagement Can I Get During Different Times?
Is 7-9 in the Morning a Good time to Post on Instagram?
At this time normally followers wake up and want to check their phones and see what happened while they were sleeping so they will presumably open Instagram posts. but still, they may not be too much to be bold in the Instagram algorithm.
Is 11-14 at lunchtime a Good Time to Post on Instagram?
This part-time is break and lunchtime .when your followers are in their workplace probably they will check their Instagram too but try to put just photos at this time cause they cant watch video posts normally.
Is 17-19 in the Evening a Good Time to Post on Instagram?
Now it’s time to go home! with a basic looking around yourself you will understand on the metro or bus all the people are looking at their phones and I can say it’s the best time to post funny and entertainment videos on Instagram.
Is 21- Midnight a Good Time to Post on Instagram?
Instagram analytics show that this period is the best and most effective Instagram posting time. The Instagram audience is relaxing at home or in a cafĂ© you can easily share anything and get maximum engagement. especially if your followers are men, don’t lose this time!
How to Find out When Your Audience is Most Active on Social Media?
There are a lot of different social media apps out there, and each one has its own unique audience. Figuring out when your audience is most active can be tricky, but luckily there are some tools out there that can help.
One great tool is Sprout Social. Sprout is a social media management platform that provides insights on when your audience is most active. All you need to do is connect your social media accounts and Sprout will do the rest.
Another great tool for finding out when your audience is most active is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free platform that provides detailed data on website traffic. You can use Google Analytics to see when people are visiting your website or social media profiles and from which countries they’re coming from.
If you have a data science team, they can also help you figure out when your audience is most active. Data scientists can use tools like Hadoop and Spark to process large data sets and find patterns in user behavior.
Posting Times on Instagram Depend on What?
Many factors affect when posts are displayed on Instagram, including post-performance, relevant hashtags, and the technology companies behind the platform.
One important consideration is post-performance, which refers to how many people engage with a post and can be measured in a variety of ways such as likes, comments, views, or shares.
The best time to post on Instagram is typically when the post rating is high since this indicates that users are actively engaging with the content.
In addition to top-performing posts, it is also important to consider hashtags when posting on Instagram. Using relevant hashtags helps make your post more visible on the platform and increases its chance of being discovered by other users.
This is especially true for larger brands that use multiple social media accounts, as these companies often have teams of senior data scientist who optimize their hashtags based on metrics like post and engagement rates.
Overall, it is clear that many factors contribute to posting times on Instagram, and optimizing these times can be a complex process. However, by carefully considering post ratings, using appropriate hashtags, and working closely with companies and data scientists, businesses can ensure their posts receive maximum exposure on this popular social media platform.
See When your Followers are Online and When They’re Most Active.
Posts perform better at certain times of the day, so you can plan your content strategy accordingly.
Senior data scientists at Instagram have developed a tool that shows you when your followers are online and when they’re most active. This information can help you to schedule your posts for maximum engagement.
To use this tool, simply enter your Instagram username into the search bar. The results will show you a graph of when your followers are online and when they’re most active. You can use this information to plan your posts for maximum engagement.
What is the Best Time to Post on Instagram By Time Zones and Location
According to Later, the best time to post on Instagram differs depending on your location and time zone. In general, eastern time zone users should post on Tuesday evening, while those in the middle east should post during the daytime.
The worst day to post is Sunday but maybe in some countries with the same time zone, Tuesday worst day selected.
You’re based in the eastern time zone, the best time to post on Instagram is Tuesday evening. This is because most users in this time zone are active at this time.
Instagram Can Be a Powerful Marketing Tool When Used Correctly
Here are a few tips to help you fine-tune your Instagram marketing strategy:
- Â Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date. your success on Instagram based on your bio and add a link to your website.
- Post interesting and engaging content or even compelling content. This could be a mix of original content, curated content, and user-generated content.
- Pay attention to your Instagram feed. Make sure the images and videos you post are in line with your brand and style.
- Use hashtags strategically. Tags can help you reach a wider audience and attract new followers.
- Monitor your Instagram analytics. Use the insights provided by Instagram to see what content is performing well and adjust your strategy accordingly.
- Engage with your followers. Respond to comments and questions, and like and comment on other usersâ content.
- Collaborate with influencers. Working with popular Instagram users can help you reach a larger audience.
- Most importantly be aware of the time to post on Instagram
Spreadsheet for Higher Engagement
Using a spreadsheet to manually track your best times to post on Instagram can help you boost your Instagram presence. According to the Instagram algorithm, posts that are shared during off-peak hours have a lower chance of being seen by followers.
By tracking when your top performing posts were published, you can plan future posts around those timeframes and improve your chances of getting seen.
To get started, create a new spreadsheet and label it with the date range you want to track. For each day, note the time and engagement metrics for each post. Be sure to track all posts, even those that perform poorly. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns emerge.
Looking For the Best Time to Post on Instagram?
If you want to get the most Instagram engagement from your target audience, then it’s important to understand when they are most active on the platform.
One popular strategy is to post during off-peak hours, such as in the early morning or late at night when most users are sleeping and fewer people are active on Instagram.
This typically results in higher engagement, as there is less competition for attention.
Another strategy is to post during peak hours, such as around lunch time or in the evening when most users are checking their feeds.
While this can result in more competition for your posts, it also means that you’re more likely to be seen by active users.
Ultimately, the best time to post on Instagram depends on your specific goals and target audience. If you want to maximize engagement, then focus on posting when your audience is most active. If you’re more concerned with reach, then post during peak hours.
Time to post now!