Who Views Your Instagram Profile?
Find out what tools you need to view who’s been stalking your Instagram, and who’s unfollowed you here by reading the apps we recommend.

You know that you do it – look at those Instagram and Facebook profiles! So doesn’t mean that all Instagram users are doing it? We’re talking about secretly stalking someone else’s Instagram profile page no matter where they are in the world (and Facebook page but you dare not send a friend request and Twitter accounts) in the background.
You’ve Stalked Your Ex – Admit It!
Yes, you’re guilty of looking at what your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend’s been up to, read the comments, note where they’re going to, notice who they’re seeing and even though you probably don’t want to know (you do really) – who they’re dating. And all through their Insta profile?
Perhaps you’ve stalked random people, your favorite celebrities, or an old friend’s profile who you no longer see? Or you are interested in what your old school friends are doing now and you secretly look at their profiles. Maybe you want to check up on that awful ex-colleague’s profile who made your life a misery so many years ago? Or it could be that you just want to search Instagram users’ profiles and Instagram photos of those that you know of, just because with the power of social media networks, you can.
So Surely People Are Stalking You On Instagram Account?
And if you create the tools to do all of that – then surely people are stalking your Instagram profile account, business account, Instagram business profile or personal site? They are – we can guarantee that so if you want space, you might have to edit profile and think about your privacy settings in your Instagram settings page.
So, who is stalking your profile and who’s unfollowed you too? I mean, that’s quite cheeky right, they’re taking advantage! Who dares to unfollow your Instagram account profile to see what you post on your feed!
We’ve got everything covered in this useful who views your Instagram page guide, along with what the categories for best apps (not websites) and tools/services to access are to discover who’s looking at you – the only thing we can’t tell you is why!
If you haven’t ever looked anyone’s profile up on Instagram or their instagram business account, or their Instagram profile photo upload – hmmm, are you sure about that?
So we are going to focus on helping you to find out how to work out who’s viewing your profile Instagram with our brilliant tips.
Do You Wonder Whether You Can See Who Viewed Your Instagram?
You do don’t you. Yes I wonder whether I can see who viewed my Instagram profile (or Instagram profiles) and I have even looked into this phenomenon before! However, there is a way to buy real Instagram followers that will make your account appear more popular. With every single Insta search that you make on someone (your ex, an old teacher, an old work colleague, an old friend, or someone who you would like to date as secretly you’d like to make a great first impression) you also have that question running through your mind:
“Can you see who views your Instagram profile?”
Maybe, just maybe if you haven’t ever searched on Instagram to stalk an ex-partner, it’s because you’re just not sure if they know that you’re doing it!
Can you imagine the embarrassment? Suppose the ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend that you’re searching for has a special program on their phone that displays who’s viewed them? The mortification if you kept coming up on the viewers list!
Then – maybe your ex-partner or the person that you’d like to date is a technical genius or a marketing guru and knows how to get round the Instagram algorithms to track their viewers and those who have unfollowed them?
So you want to stalk but in secret and you want to know who’s viewing your Instagram profile too. OK, we get it, we do it too and we are going to help you by giving you plenty of insight into that big question: “Can I see who views my Instagram?”. So, you can search away and look at whoever you want without worrying about getting caught again…
There’s Something You Do Need to Think About Though
Remember, there’s another side to that question; “Can you see who views your Instagram?”
Yes, it would be great if you knew the answer to that question and that you could instantly know who’s looked at you on Instagram. Then, you’d know if your ex-partner still thought about you and perhaps wanted to get back together? Or whether that friend that you had an argument with still cared about you? You would also know if that person that you wanted to date every looked at your Insta profile?
OK – we know!
The thing is – the way to know if someone views your Instagram profile is by using third party app.
Instagram Won’t Tell You Who Views Your Instagram
One thing is for sure, however hard you look on the official Instagram app, you won’t find out who’s viewed your Instagram post, like you can see your story viewers.
There’s no shortage of articles out there promising to tell you how to get more likes on Instagram. But the truth is, there’s no surefire way to get more likes – and that’s because Instagram doesn’t show you who views your posts. That means there’s no way to tell if someone is deliberately choosing not to like your posts, or if they’re just not seeing them. So how can you increase your chances of getting likes?
While the Instagram platform has a multitude of amazing features that gives you plenty of insights into what your followers are doing, when they’re using Instagram, how many times they’re engaging with your social media posts, Instagram posts too and when they like and comment on your images and photography, they won’t tell you who’s looking.
Yes, the platform hasn’t yet granted us the holy grail of “Can you see if someone views you on the Instagram platform.” But…we all have minds that constantly tick over and let’s be honest, there are hundreds of thousands of useful “Can you see who viewed your Instagram” apps and tools out there. Perhaps there’s one that you’d like that actually shows you who’s lurked on your Insta profile?
Guess what – we’re going to tell you…keep reading!
Is Your Instagram Profile Public or Private?
Before we move onto the third-party apps and tools that tell you who has viewed your Instagram profile, we have a question for you.
Is Your Instagram Account Private or Public?
This makes a difference, and we will tell you why. Put it this way, if you don’t want anyone to see what you’re up to on Instagram, of course your Instagram views will also go down, but having your instagram profile private protects your content and you can control users visiting your profile.
If you have a private account, then anyone searching for you on Instagram – that ex-boyfriend or girlfriend – will only see your tiny Instagram profile picture and a headline of your followers and who you follow.
You can even stop anyone stalking you from viewing that information and pictures except your profile picture or company logo (maybe brand logo), by completely freezing your account so they only see your number of followers (not potential followers) and number of people you are following. So, you stay mysterious, just how you like it!
Having a Public Account
A public Instagram account can be a great way to connect with friends, family, and other people who share your interests. However, there are also some potential risks associated with having a public account. For example, cheap Instagram followers may try to contact you or engage in other unwanted behavior.
If you have a public account however, then anyone can view you, including see your Instagram profile picture and when you update your perfect profile pictures unless you block them through your account privacy settings. Go to browser> Instagram Home> Click the top left corner> Settings> Privacy> Blocked Accounts and add that Instagram stalker. Then they won’t even be able to see your username.
Your Life is Out There – Do You Want it To Be?
If you are public, do remember that your life is out there and if you don’t mind that, then that’s absolutely fine! Influencers, for example, must have a public account with a public Instagram profile picture. They’re a brand after all, and so do celebrities, businesses and brands. If you want to grow your Instagram account and drive traffic, keeping it private will make that quite a struggle.
Want to Grow Your Insta Account?
So if you’re looking to grow your followers on your Instagram business accounts or your personal account then you need to be public to increase your target audience. If you’re looking to grow your Instagram account, one of the best ways to do so is by increasing your engagement. Instagram likes buy people and use them for business! Perhaps you’re trying to find out how many followers on Instagram you need to get paid as an Influencer for driving more traffic? Or you are a content creator and you have a blog that people regularly engage with? You can’t hide it – how will you gain analytics to find out how successful it is in the community? Then there’s no way you can keep your account private! That makes gaining followers and traffic pretty tough!
Stories Can Show You Who’s Watching Your Videos…
Here’s something that you might not know about.
Instagram doesn’t tell you who has looked at your account – we know that and unless you use one of the third-party apps that we will tell you more about below, it’s hard to find out. BUT, there is a way to gauge who is stalking you (as well as working out whether you’re getting plenty of Instagram views on videos and engagement on other content you post).
You can see who is following your Instagram Stories (the ig stories that appear behind your Instagram profile picture on your bio – sometimes with a link in bio). Anyone can view them if you’re public. They don’t need to be following you. So if you post a instagram story, and an ex-partner wants to look at what you’re doing, they can easily view it. Unless you BLOCK them entirely, then you will be completely invisible to them on Instagram, and they will also be completely impossible for you.
As a word of caution, if you’re the one doing the Insta stalking, don’t go onto your ex’ stories or anyone else’s unless you want to be found out because your presence will be seen!
Want More Likes for Instagram?
By the way, we should mention that it’s also useful to see how to get likes for Instagram because then you can work out the content that works best for your account to accurate results.
Can I See Who Views My Instagram Profile? The Holy Grail of Answers!
Well, can you see who views your Instagram?
While Instagram won’t tell you who’s viewing you, there are some incredible third-party apps that are easily downloadable to iOS or Android – from the relevant app stores. So if you’re the type who has to know who is viewing you on Instagram, these apps are perfect for you.
If you’re the stalker, looking at your ex, or anyone else you are interested in, then beware, that person you’re looking at may well have one of these Instagram stalkers apps installed and so can see that you’ve viewed them as well.
Can You See Who Views Your Instagram? Here Are the Apps to Use!
The following useful apps are suitable for both iOS and Android use. Some of them are free to download and some of them must be paid for when you download them from the app store. They’re all good options for you if you just have to know how many people or who’s looking at your Instagram profile (and we don’t blame you, we also like to know who’s looking at us!):
What to Download If You Have an iPhone
Try downloading such apps to answer, “Can you see who views your Instagram?”:
- Analyzer Plus
- FollowMeter
- IG Reports+ Follower Analyzer
- Profile+
- Reports for Followers
- Visitors Pro App
If You Have an Android Phone
These are the right ones to use for your device:
- Follower Analyzer for Instagram App
- Followers Insight for Instagram, Tracker, Analyzer App
- FollowMeter
- InMyStalker
- InReports
- Profile+ Followers & Profiles Tracker
Final Words on Can You See Who Views Your Instagram
There’s an added bonus that you’ll love with most of the clever apps we’ve mentioned above. As well as the question can you see who views your Instagram – they also show you who’s unfollowed your Instagram profile – the cheek of it! Well – at least you can unfollow them back! Who’d want to unfollow you, isn’t your content exciting enough?
Plus, there’s extra information on all of these apps surrounding anyone who’s blocked you and anyone who’s never followed you back. Quick, where’s that unfollow button?